8 Great Quotes About Teaching with AI  

Research shows that when students feel confident that they can successfully do the work assigned to them, they are less likely to cheat. And an important way to boost students’ confidence is to provide them with opportunities to experience success. ChatGPT can facilitate such experiences by offering students individualized support and breaking down complex problems into smaller challenges or tasks. The Conversation 

Rather than trying to stop the tools and, for instance, telling students not to use them, in my class I’m telling students to embrace them – but I expect their quality of work to be that much better now they have the help of these tools. Ultimately, by the end of the semester, I'm expecting the students to turn in assignments that are substantially more creative and interesting than the ones last year’s students or previous generations of students could have created. We Forum

ChatGPT can be directed to deliver feedback using positive, empathetic and encouraging language. Forexample, if a student completes a math problem incorrectly, instead of merely telling the student “You are wrong and the correct answer is …,” ChatGPT may initiate a conversation with the student. The Conversation

“AI can help with lesson planning,” Kerry O’Grady, an associate professor of public relations at Columbia University wrote, “ including selecting examples, reviewing key concepts before class, and helping with teaching/activity ideas.” This, she says, can help professors save both time and energy. Chronicle of Higher Ed

I don’t think that AI is going to necessarily destroy education. I don’t think it’s going to revolutionize education, either. I think it’s just going to sort of expand the toolbox of what’s possible in our classrooms. CalMatters

AI could analyze an individual learner's strengths, weaknesses and learning styles during online training and then recommend the most effective teaching methods and most relevant resources. Eventually, AI-powered virtual assistants could become standard features in learning platforms by providing real-time support and feedback to learners as they progress through their courses. TechTarget

Use these tools to help you understand challenging passages in assigned readings, or to build preliminary foundational knowledge to help you understand more difficult concepts. Don’t use AI to cheat — use it as a tool to help you learn. Chronicle of Higher Ed

As AI-enabled cheating roils colleges, professors turn to an ancient testing method— oral examinations, which date at least to ancient Greece, are getting new attention. Wall Street Journal