AI Definitions in Simple Language

AI Definitions

Agents - Unlike AI prompts requiring user conversations, AI agents work in the background. Users provide a goal (from researching competitors to buying a car) and the agent acts independently, generating task list and starting to work. 

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) - AI that possesses human-level intelligence that can evaluate complex situations, apply common sense, and learn and adapt.  Beyond the goal of AGI lies the more speculative notion of "sentient AI," the idea that these programs might cross some boundary to become aware of their own existence and even develop their own wishes and feelings. 

AI Evolution

  1. Generative AI sounds like a person.

  2. AGI (artificial general intelligence) reasons like a person.

  3. Sentient AI thinks it's a person.

AI model collapse - The idea that AI can eat itself by training on internet data until it runs out of fresh data and trains on it’s on product or the product of another AI. Thus, errors and bias are magnified and rare data is more likely to be lost.

AI winter  - A period where funding and interest in the field subsided considerably.

*Algorithms - Direct, specific instructions for computers created by a human through coding that tells the computer how to perform a task. This set of rules has a finite number of steps that instruct the computer how to perform a task. More specifically, it is code that follows the algorithmic logic of “if”, “then”, and “else.”  

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