Articles of interest about journalism, fakes, social media - Jan 18


Will your neighbors get the vaccine? The percentage by count  

When can grandparents safely visit with grandkids after they’ve been vaccinated for COVID-19

Americans have unrealistic expectations for a COVID-19 vaccine

The Maddening Red Tape Facing Older People Who Want the Vaccine 


Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2021

Measuring progress on inclusivity in Journalism

Now It Can Be Told: How Neil Sheehan Got The Pentagon Papers 

Tiny News Collective aims to launch 500 new local news organizations


The First Amendment doesn't guarantee you the rights you think it does

Supreme Court wrestles with Georgia college free speech case


How to Spot a Fake Social Media Account 

How Anti-Vaccine Movement Could Hurt Efforts To End Pandemic 

How can the Biden administration reduce scientific disinformation? Slow the high-pressure pace of scientific publishing ($)

What covering heavy metal taught me about spotting Nazis

Links between online misinformation and real-world violence were always a problem “over there.” The Capitol Hill riot shows otherwise.

'She was deep into it': Ashli Babbitt, killed in Capitol riot, was devoted conspiracy theorist


The QAnon 'Shaman' Is Turning Indigenous Culture Into Cosplay

QAnon believer who plotted to kill Nancy Pelosi came to D.C. ready for war

QAnon Conspiracy Theories Are Being Promoted by Wellness Influencers

The QAnon Doctor Pushing Wild Conspiracies About The COVID Vaccine  

How QAnon-Like Conspiracy Theories Tear Families Apart 


Google is giving $3 million to news orgs to fact-check vaccine misinformation 

Fake news victims deploy lawsuits to shut down lies and disinformation

Site That Traffics In Misinformation Fills Void Left By Struggling Newspaper


How lawmakers’ social media activity changed in the days after the U.S. Capitol riot

Far-right groups migrate to smaller apps

How Social Media Can Approach Free Speech During A Polarizing Time

Every Video Ever Posted to Parler Is Now Available to Download

Trump supporters flock to MeWe, Gab, and Rumble after Parler goes offline

An annual survey on how social media is used as a news source

Does 'deplatforming' work? Trump's most extreme fans will find him, research says


Parler’s amateur coding could come back to haunt Capitol Hill rioters


Poetry Challenge: Honor MLK By Describing How You Dream A World

How L.A.’s Amanda Gorman became Biden’s inauguration poet