12 apps for Job hunters

Career Builder - online hiring app that allows job seekers to access tools that will help them at every point in the process.

ExpressJob - mapping that shows nearby jobs and makes applying easy with one-click applications but also offers ways to stay organized once you are hired (timesheets, schedule, etc.)

Glassdoor - search engine platform offering job openings along with company reviews.

Good & Co. - Uses Myers-Briggs to help users know whether a job will be good fit.

Hirect - chat-based-direct hiring platform.

Hirewire - rather than upload a resume, build an interactive profile for employers to check out. Mostly service industry positions.

Indeed - sort through the search engine database and stay on top of openings that interest you. 

Linkedin - the social network for professionals.

Linkup - focuses on little-known job listings. Free, iOS only. 

Monster - brings jobs from other job searchers into a single app.

Snagjob - only hourly jobs. Free.

ZipRecruiter - offers more than 100 job boards with filters. Sends notifications about vacancies.

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